Page 16 - Piedmont_Spring_2022
P. 16


        PorTerhouSe wiTh SuMMer au PoiVre Sauce

        2–4 servings                  oil grate with vegetable oil.   standing it on its side with
        inGredienTS                   Coarsely chop 2 tablespoons   tongs to render and brown fat
        2  tablespoons drained pickled   peppercorns, then coarsely   around edges), 6–8 minutes.
         green peppercorns, plus more   chop basil and mint right on   3   Move steak over indirect
         for serving                  top of peppercorns. Transfer   heat (still positioning                        PhotograPh by alex lau; food styling by
        ½ cup (packed) basil leaves   to a small bowl and mix in olive   tenderloin side away from                   susie theodorou; ProP styling by aneta florCzyk
        ½ cup (packed) mint leaves    oil; season with salt. Coarsely   the heat) and grill, turning
        ½ cup extra-virgin olive oil  chop a few more peppercorns   every 1–2 minutes and
        Kosher salt                   and set aside for serving.  moving closer to or farther
        1  2-pound porterhouse steak   2    Season steak generously with   away from heat as needed
         (about 2” thick), preferably   salt. Grill over direct heat,   to build even color, until an
         prime or as well-marbled as you   keeping tenderloin (the smaller   instant-read thermometer   4   Transfer to a cutting board
         can find                     side) away from the most   inserted into the thickest part   and cut meat away from each
                                      intense heat and turning steak   of steak registers 120° for   side of the bone, then slice
        direcTionS                    about every minute or so to   medium-rare, 10–12 minutes.   crosswise. Serve topped
        1   Prepare a grill for high indirect   control flare-ups and ensure   Transfer to a wire rack set   with sauce and reserved
           heat (for a gas grill, leave   even browning, until deeply   over a rimmed baking sheet   peppercorns.
           one or two burners off);   browned on all sides (including   and let rest 15–30 minutes.    sourCe: bon aPPétit

         Beef, Zucchini and SPinach enchiladaS

         inGredienTS                direcTionS                   until melted and
         1 tablespoon olive oil     1   Preheat oven to 350 degrees   combined.
         1 small onion, diced         and grease a 9x13 glass   1   Wipe the pan
         1 pound lean ground beef     baking dish with vegetable   clean with a paper
         1 large zucchini, diced      oil or cooking spray.      towel then add the                                 Photo Courtesy of gasstovegirl.blogsPot.Com
         2  cups baby spinach, finely   1   In a large, heavy-bottomed   garlic and sauté
          chopped                     sauté pan with high sides,   for 1 minute over
         2 tablespoons chili powder   heat olive oil over medium   medium-low heat,
         2 teaspoons cumin            heat. Add the onion and    stirring constantly.
         4  ounces low fat cream cheese,   sauté 2 minutes until   Add the chipotle         side down in the baking
          softened                    translucent.               chilis in adobo and stir   dish. Repeat with remaining
         2 tablespoons sour cream   1   Add the ground beef and   just until fragrant. Add the   tortillas. Pour the rest of
         1 tablespoon chopped cilantro  cook until brown and     tomato sauce, chicken broth,   the sauce over the top,
         2  scallions, sliced thinly (white   crumbled, about 5 to 7   remaining 1 tablespoon   spreading evenly. Sprinkle
          and light green parts only)  minutes. Stir in the zucchini   chili powder and remaining   the remaining cup of cheese
         2 cloves garlic, minced      and cook another 3 minutes   1 teaspoon cumin. Cook,   on top. Bake for 25 minutes
         2  teaspoons up to 1 tablespoon   or so until just starting to   stirring occasionally for 5   until the cheese is melted,
          chipotle chilis in adobo sauce,   brown; toss in the spinach   to 7 minutes until slightly   the sauce is bubbling and
          depending on your desired   and cook until wilted.     thickened. Remove from the   the edges are just starting to
          spice level                 Season with 1 tablespoon   heat.                      brown.
         1 14.5 ounce can tomato sauce  chili powder and 1 teaspoon   1   Spread 1/2 cup of the   1   Remove from the oven and
         ¾  cup chicken broth         cumin.                     enchilada sauce on the     allow to sit for 5 minutes.
         salt and pepper to taste   1   Remove beef mixture from   bottom of the pan. Prepare   Sprinkle over extra cilantro
         6  whole wheat flour tortillas,   the pan into a large bowl,   the enchiladas by spooning   and serve immediately with
          taco size                   straining out any excess   a couple of heaping        generous dollops of sour
         1 ½ cup grated pepper jack   water or fat. Immediately   tablespoons of the filling into   cream on top.
          cheese, divided             add the cream cheese, sour   each tortilla. Wrap tightly,
         extra cilantro and sour cream for   cream, cilantro and 1/2 cup   being sure to keep most of   sourCe: gas stove girl
         garnish                      grated pepper jack and stir   the filling inside. Place seam-
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