Page 15 - Piedmont_Spring_2022
P. 15


        The chill is gone

        There are benefits to heating pools with natural gas.

        By Monica Stavish Skaggs

                 hhhh… There’s nothing like slowly easing into the com-  “Gas-fired heaters are the most popular way to
                 fort of a heated swimming pool. With a natural gas pool   heat a pool.”
                 heater, a pool’s desired temperature can be maintained
        A — providing year-round comfort no matter the climate                      — U.S. Department of Energy
        or outdoor temperature.
          A heated pool provides effective relaxation to swimmers and thera-  determine what size pool heater will work best based on pool size.
        peutic benefits to physical therapy patients any time of year, whether   A heater should be based on two factors: Surface area of the pool
        in Miami, Florida, or Minneapolis, Minnesota. Even on days when   and the difference between the pool’s water temperature and aver-
        outdoor temperatures are warm, a heater ensures that the water   age air temperatures. Humidity, wind and nighttime temperatures
        isn’t too chilly to enjoy.                            should also be considered.
          Gas-fired heaters are the most popular way to heat a pool, accord-  British thermal units (Btus) are used to rate gas pool heaters, with
        ing to the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). Today’s gas heaters   outputs ranging from 75,000 Btu to 450,000 Btu. Gas heaters range in
        are much more efficient and reliable than older models and heat the   price between $1,000 to $5,000, depending on the unit’s size and brand.
        water faster than electric heaters. Information about a gas heater’s   It’s also important to have the pool heater installed by a qualified
        efficiency is available to the consumer through the manufacturer or   pool professional. DOE also advises homeowners to contact a profes-
        labeling on the side of the system.                   sional for complex maintenance issues or repairs to the system. Regu-
          Heaters that burn natural gas will hook up to a gas line provided by   lar maintenance is essential to keep the heater working efficiently.
        the local gas utility. The natural gas heater quickly warms the water to   With proper installation and routine maintenance, a gas pool
        the desired temperature. A gas heater uses a pump to circulate pool   heater will operate five or more years, according to DOE. Owners
        water, which passes through a filter to the heater. Heat is generated   should carefully read the manual, heed maintenance recommenda-
        by gas burning in the heater’s combustion chamber and then the   tions and schedule annual tune-ups. n
        water is returned to the pool.
          Since gas pool heaters reliably
        maintain desired temperatures
        in various weather conditions
        and climates, they’re a plus on
        those colder days. They oper-                                                                               Photo Courtesy of CoPPer leaf
        ate for less time than electric
        models, saving wear and tear
        on equipment. Because of how
        quickly gas heaters heat a pool
        they are useful for heating on an
        as-needed basis.
          Consumers should take into
        account several factors when in-
        stalling a gas pool heater, DOE
        advises. In addition to pool size,
        it’s good to consider the heater’s
        size, efficiency and cost.
          The first step is to contact
        a trained pool professional to    Today’s gas heaters are much more efficient and reliable than older models and heat the water faster than electric heaters.

                                                                              Spring - Summer 2022 ❙  naturalliving 15
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