Page 9 - Piedmont_Spring_2022
P. 9
a naTural choice: naTural GaS aPPlianceS offer enVironMenTally friendly oPTionS
for ouTdoor liVinG SPaceS
Natural gas offers a comfortable, convenient, reli- which can generally warm a 12- to 20-foot area and
able and clean fuel for outdoor living spaces, providing help take the chill out of early spring or crisp fall nights.
consumers an affordable and environmentally friendly Heaters can be permanently installed in-ground, deck
option for a variety of outdoor appliances. Consumers mounted or hung from a roofline. Other heaters are
have many options for adding natural gas appliances to freestanding and portable to allow for greater flexibility
their outdoor living spaces. in use.
One of the most popular elements of outdoor living
spaces is the outdoor kitchen, said Jerry Scott, senior The finiShinG Touch
Photo Courtesy of lambert landsCaPe Co., dallas, texas configurations. help set the ambiance,” she said. “Multiple layers of light
Gas lighting can help pull the outdoor living space
vice president of sales for RH Peterson Co. Outdoor
together, said Kimberly Mistal, outside sales representa-
kitchens can feature gas grills, side burners and island
tive for Legendary Lighting.
“It is a decorative touch and provides a soft glow to
Gas grills and side burners ignite quickly without the
long warm-up time of charcoal or wood burning grills,
can really set the tone for the outdoor space.”
and they offer more precise temperature controls to
Mistal said consumers can maximize the impact of
deliver more consistent cooking results. Unlike propane
lighting by creating layers of lighting with electric
grills, gas grills offer a reliable fuel source that never
uplighting in trees complementing gas lanterns placed
runs out.
throughout the outdoor space.
Photo Courtesy of rh Peterson Co. ings to allow for flexibility in placement throughout
Gas lanterns can be mounted to walls, posts or ceil-
the yard.
“Putting a gas lantern over outdoor dining tables
is a really nice touch,” Mistal said. “Lanterns on posts
around the pool or fire pit can frame the space.”
Gas lanterns can also be equipped with an electronic
switch that allows homeowners to turn them on or off
or set the lights on a timer.
The variety of natural gas appliances offer versatility
to homeowners to create an inviting and comfortable
outdoor living space with a clean burning and cost-
effective fuel source. n
Gas fire tables, fireplaces, firepits and other fire features create a cozy
ambiance for outdoor spaces and are one of the most popular features for
outdoor rooms.
Fire features — including fireplaces, dining tables
with fire pits in the center, fire bowls and fire pits — are
also popular for outdoor living spaces, Scott said. Natu-
ral gas fire features offer both convenience and safety. Photo Courtesy of legendary lighting
Because there are no sparks or hot embers, gas fire pits
and fireplaces can be located almost anywhere — even
close to patio furniture or on wood decks. There is no
hassle of gathering or buying wood or trying to start
the fire, and no waiting for wood to burn itself out
since the fire can be turned off with the flick of a switch.
Natural gas is also a less expensive option than purchas-
ing firewood, Scott said.
Gas lanterns add a finishing touch and soft glow to outdoor spaces, helping
Many homeowners also choose to add patio heaters, to set the mood for gatherings.
Spring - Summer 2022 ❙ naturalliving 09
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